Let’s look at something. There’s only one reason the government has control over us. The reason is because they have control over the naira. And as long as they have control over the naira, they have control over us, control over our earnings, control over how we spend our money, control over how much we can have, control over our financial freedom. They know the power of Crypto that’s why they are scared of it. They are sacred of the realization of what Crypto would bring. #LIBERATION
With Crypto they have no power. Try imagining a Nigeria where everybody transacts and earn in Crypto without the acknowledgement of Naira you’ll see that there would be no need of government again. Because all the rules they make surrounds what their naira can deal with.
Let me quote somebody “Chris Ani” he said “One of the ways to exit a bad economy is to use digital assets that are not tied to the economy and the best way to do that is learning to invest and trade in Crypto assets”.
Crypto has made men rich beyond their imagination, and it will continue to do so.

If there’s anything I understand its evolution. In the ancient days, our forefathers use to transact with Trade by barter, then they went to using cowries as money, then came along shillings and coins if I’m not mistaken before paper money was introduced and currently Crypto or let me use the term Digital Money is the next step in our evolution. It’s the future and it’s not too late to embrace the future now.
The world is going DIGITAL but why do they want to go backwards. Again the answer is power, Power over the people. Democracy had never been by the people or for the people. It’s for those in power to make the people think they have the power. If they really say it’s for the people let the people vote if Crypto should be accepted or not. You’ll see that they are not ready to lose that power. They want to keep us all in a financial bondage.
What they don’t know is that they can’t stop this revolution. It’s impossible. Day by day people are learning the importance of Crypto. Imagine how you can spend your funds without limits or how you can make so much money without someone interrogating your source of income. You can’t expect a man who knows the benefits of Crypto just let it go by like that. He will even spread the word like a virus. And this virus will keep spreading. Crypto is financial freedom, Crypto is the future, they’d have no option to embrace it soon.
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