By: Ndubuishi Godswill
Feminism, we mean the Advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of the equality of sexes. In extension we mean GENDER EQUALITY.
Research has proven that Feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.
NIGERIA as a case study, We have had categories of females who have in the past proven their worth’s and did practically well in Public Service. They have also proven to a reasonable extent that “what a man can do, a woman can do more better”
Despite these little success recorded thus far, the female folks has continually been marginalized in terms of marital Endeavors, and the public services in particular. Also in the list of limiting factors to Gender Equality in Nigeria, Cultural and Socio-Cultural factors contributed much in achieving Feminism.
It’s so unfortunate that the strength of the female folks are being undermined in Nigeria, we have had cases of Female Brutalization, Rape, Man Slaughter, Sex Toys, Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Sex for Mark’s saga on Nigerian Campuses, Female Mutilation/Circumcision Amongst other practices embedded as a societal norm.

We’ve had cases whereby the female folks are being sidelined and marginalized in terms of employment opportunities, constitutional roles, spiritual roles in churches/mosques etc. This has gone on for long, and has gradually slipped into societal norms where it’s seen as a normal phenomenon.
In the developed countries, there are Equal Opportunities, Rights and Privileges for both genders. As they practice “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander “principle.
Additionally, several dissenting voices especially from the female folks has risen in Advocacy, to advocate for the rights of the girl child. This can be seen with formation of various Civil Society Organizations and partnership with the Government to curb the rampant rate of gender based violence. Examples Includes:
- Association of Nigerian Female Students (ANSF),
- National Female Students Association of Nigeria,
- Women’s Technology Empowerment Center (W.TEC),
- Give Girls A Chance, Founded by Uloma Ogba and Hauwa Balami,
- The African Women Power Network (AWP Network), Founded by Mary Olushoga amongst other numerous NGO’s clamoring for Feminism in Nigeria and Africa at large.
Conclusively, while creating paths, and developmental inputs. The female folks has a lot to contribute. Also, individuals, families and the Government should invest more time and resources on the female folks and also make laws, policies that will protect and project the girl child for greater Opportunities.
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